Thrive like a Mother Tree: From Awareness to Aspiration in Midlife

Bonsai vs Mother Tree

Imagine yourself as a Mother Tree, standing tall and strong with dignity. She’s confident and resilient, and most importantly, she grows freely, expanding her roots and branches without restrictions. Now, picture bonsai tree, perfect on the surface yet confined, cut off from its true essence.

For years, I lived like that bonsai tree—responding to others' unspoken expectations and feeling stuck in limiting beliefs. Then, I hit the midlife transition and noticed physical changes like wrinkles and gray hair. I was overwhelmed by the fear of aging, the uncertainty of what was ahead, and the judgment of others.

If my story resonates, I’m here to empower you with 5 pearls of wisdom from Mother Trees. Discover how you can thrive like a Mother Tree, from awareness to aspiration in midlife.


#1. Embrace imperfection like a mother tree

Looking at Mother Trees, you’ll notice broken branches, scars, and unique shapes. These imperfections are what make them beautiful and inspiring. 

Let go of the idea of perceived perfectionism because it keeps you trapped in fear. Do you want to spend your life worrying about others’ opinions? Embrace your authenticity because you’re perfect for who you truly are. 

#2. Nurture Your Growth

A forest guide once told me that a tree's roots are 2 to 4 times bigger than you see above ground. These roots grow nutrients to help the tree grow and nurture others. 

Just like those roots, you need to nourish yourself before nurturing others. Prioritize nurturing your body, mind, and soul to discover your true purpose. There’s a special gift waiting to be uncovered deep within yourself. 

#3. Cultivate Resilience as a Mother Tree

A Mother Tree symbolizes resilience. It has overcome challenges like forest fires, droughts, extreme temperatures, etc. With every obstacle, it continues to grow and evolve to become what it is today. 

You might have faced life challenges you wish hadn’t happened to you, but these challenges have made you strong. Reflect on your motherhood journey. Don’t you see your patience, flexibility, and remarkable resilience? Trust in your ability - you’re stronger than you think!

#4. Hornor Your Tree Rings 

Trees add a new ring to their trunks every year, marking their growth and age. The older the tree, the more wisdom and experience it holds. A Mother Tree stands as a symbol of quiet dignity.

You may sometimes feel unworthy or too old to make a meaningful impact. But as a tree grows each year, you have grown with your children. Your commitment, determination, and consistency have shaped who you are today. Age brings wisdom and the power to inspire and influence others for a better future.

#5. Simplify Like a Mother Tree

A Mother Tree intuitively understands where to focus her energy for optimal growth. She is clear on what resources she needs, chooses where to expand, and skillfully sheds unnecessary branches and leaves to conserve her vitality. 

Your midlife transition mirrors this beautiful process. As you navigate menopause, see this as a perfect opportunity to pause and simplify your life. Trust your knowing, let go of the things that no longer serve you, and embrace this phase with confidence and clarity!

a woman looking up a mother tree

Conclusion 🌲🌳🌲

Midlife transitions can feel overwhelming if we continue to live like bonsai trees, focused on external appearances and limited by others’ expectations. Instead, explore your midlife by thriving like a Mother Tree, nurturing your inner growth, and embracing your authenticity.

Remember how you thrive like a mother tree:
  1. Embrace Imperfection
  2. Nurture Your Growth
  3. Cultivate Resilience
  4. Honour Your Tree Rings (Experience & Wisdom)
  5. Simplify Your Life
Believe it or not, you’re already a Mother Tree. Hornor the wisdom you’ve nurtured, and grow into your most authentic self. 💕

From Fear to Fabulous: Embracing Gray Hair in Midlife Transformation

Many of us women grapple with the fear of going gray. Aging is a natural process, so ideally, it shouldn't stir up feelings of difficulty or apprehension. But why do we dread this natural transition?

Like you, I found myself at a crossroads, debating whether to embrace my gray hair or continue to cover it up. I was bogged down by worries about other people's opinions. On top of that, navigating through menopause felt like being on a never-ending roller coaster. It became clear that I needed a shift in mindset to be at peace with myself; otherwise, I would remain trapped in a cycle of negativity.

In this article, you'll you CAN overcome the fear of going gray and truly embrace it. 

Fear of Going gray

Embracing gray hair sounds simple, yet it's anything but. Initially, we might snip or dye our grays, falling into a never-ending cycle of maintenance. Why the resistance to going gray? Often, societal expectations press women to maintain a youthful appearance, viewing gray hair as undesirable. Many women, including those in my family, dye their hair perpetually to conform. Yet, the real challenge lies in accepting aging itself, as we fear stepping out of our comfort zone.

How to OVERCOMe the fear OF GOING GRAY

When I started to truly connect with myself, nature, and the people around me, I felt a profound neurological shift in my mindset. Almost immediately, I began embracing my authentic self and practicing self-kindness. This journey led me to a newfound sense of comfort and, unexpectedly, genuine excitement about transitioning to my natural gray hair. Next, I will show you exactly how I connected with three key aspects.

  • focused on what’s important in my life 
  • looked inward to find my authentic-self
  • started backcountry camping – stepped out of my comfort zone!
  • spent more time in nature – practiced mindfulness!
  • connected with women who transitioned to embracing their gray hair – truly empowering!
  • searched for images of women in gray hair – absolutely inspiring!

What happened Next?

Unexpectedly, other women started complimenting me and inquiring about my process, similar to how I had once sought inspiration from women who wore their gray hair with pride. This led to an intriguing revelation: my assumptions about others' reactions were completely wrong!

In fact, several of my students even thought my gray hair was an intentional highlight, viewing it as something cool and trendy.

This journey has underscored a powerful truth: often, we are our own greatest adversaries. It's important to ponder the impact we can have on other women and future generations. The choices we make can indeed pave the way for a more accepting and empowering world!

Love & Care 💕