Thrive like a Mother Tree: From Awareness to Aspiration in Midlife

Bonsai vs Mother Tree

Imagine yourself as a Mother Tree, standing tall and strong with dignity. She’s confident and resilient, and most importantly, she grows freely, expanding her roots and branches without restrictions. Now, picture bonsai tree, perfect on the surface yet confined, cut off from its true essence.

For years, I lived like that bonsai tree—responding to others' unspoken expectations and feeling stuck in limiting beliefs. Then, I hit the midlife transition and noticed physical changes like wrinkles and gray hair. I was overwhelmed by the fear of aging, the uncertainty of what was ahead, and the judgment of others.

If my story resonates, I’m here to empower you with 5 pearls of wisdom from Mother Trees. Discover how you can thrive like a Mother Tree, from awareness to aspiration in midlife.


#1. Embrace imperfection like a mother tree

Looking at Mother Trees, you’ll notice broken branches, scars, and unique shapes. These imperfections are what make them beautiful and inspiring. 

Let go of the idea of perceived perfectionism because it keeps you trapped in fear. Do you want to spend your life worrying about others’ opinions? Embrace your authenticity because you’re perfect for who you truly are. 

#2. Nurture Your Growth

A forest guide once told me that a tree's roots are 2 to 4 times bigger than you see above ground. These roots grow nutrients to help the tree grow and nurture others. 

Just like those roots, you need to nourish yourself before nurturing others. Prioritize nurturing your body, mind, and soul to discover your true purpose. There’s a special gift waiting to be uncovered deep within yourself. 

#3. Cultivate Resilience as a Mother Tree

A Mother Tree symbolizes resilience. It has overcome challenges like forest fires, droughts, extreme temperatures, etc. With every obstacle, it continues to grow and evolve to become what it is today. 

You might have faced life challenges you wish hadn’t happened to you, but these challenges have made you strong. Reflect on your motherhood journey. Don’t you see your patience, flexibility, and remarkable resilience? Trust in your ability - you’re stronger than you think!

#4. Hornor Your Tree Rings 

Trees add a new ring to their trunks every year, marking their growth and age. The older the tree, the more wisdom and experience it holds. A Mother Tree stands as a symbol of quiet dignity.

You may sometimes feel unworthy or too old to make a meaningful impact. But as a tree grows each year, you have grown with your children. Your commitment, determination, and consistency have shaped who you are today. Age brings wisdom and the power to inspire and influence others for a better future.

#5. Simplify Like a Mother Tree

A Mother Tree intuitively understands where to focus her energy for optimal growth. She is clear on what resources she needs, chooses where to expand, and skillfully sheds unnecessary branches and leaves to conserve her vitality. 

Your midlife transition mirrors this beautiful process. As you navigate menopause, see this as a perfect opportunity to pause and simplify your life. Trust your knowing, let go of the things that no longer serve you, and embrace this phase with confidence and clarity!

a woman looking up a mother tree

Conclusion 🌲🌳🌲

Midlife transitions can feel overwhelming if we continue to live like bonsai trees, focused on external appearances and limited by others’ expectations. Instead, explore your midlife by thriving like a Mother Tree, nurturing your inner growth, and embracing your authenticity.

Remember how you thrive like a mother tree:
  1. Embrace Imperfection
  2. Nurture Your Growth
  3. Cultivate Resilience
  4. Honour Your Tree Rings (Experience & Wisdom)
  5. Simplify Your Life
Believe it or not, you’re already a Mother Tree. Hornor the wisdom you’ve nurtured, and grow into your most authentic self. 💕

How to Shift Your Mindset: Empty to Empowered Mom in 3 Simple Steps

baby's legs, empty nest, and a butterfly

Shifting your mindset from a pre-empty nester mom to an empowered empty nester can be one of the hardest transitions in the motherhood journey. As your children become more independent, you may experience unexpected emotions like sadness and emptiness.

You believe you should be happy, but when nobody is around, tears run down your cheeks. Nobody seems to notice your pain: “Does anybody care about me?” You feel alone even when you’re with loved ones. But you numb your feelings and hope that one day your life will change.

I understand how you feel. Who would have imagined this was coming at the end of parenting? But this transition also offers a unique opportunity for growth and self-discovery. In this article, I'll show you How to shift your mindset from empty to empowered mom in 3 simple steps.

Step 1: Raise Self-Awareness

Shifting your mindset begins with self-awareness. This could be the hardest part because you’ve been busy nurturing others. As a result, you might feel disconnected from yourself. It’s totally normal. 

Now, I want you to start reconnecting with yourself by asking these questions:

  1. What are some emotions you’ve been feeling?
  2. What makes you feel that way?
  3. When do you experience these feelings?
It may be uncomfortable, but that’s where you’ll find a solution.

Step 2: Accept Your Feelings to Shift Your Mindset

Once you connect with yourself and identify specific emotions, it’s time to accept them. Make sure to be compassionate and talk to yourself as you would to your best friend. There’s no space for self-criticism or judgment.

Earlier, I mentioned hoping for life to get better. Here’s the biggest mistake I made. I was waiting for someone to change my life. I eventually understood that nobody was coming: radical acceptance was scary, but necessary.

As soon as you accept where you are, you’ll experience a sense of relief because you’ll feel seen, heard, and understood by YOURSELF!! This may surprise you, but the relationship you have with yourself is the most important aspect of your life.

woman hugging herself: self-love and self-compassion

Step 3: Focus On What You Can Control

Next, let’s identify what you can control and not. For example, you can not control the weather, but you can bring an umbrella.

Let’s practice this using an example of feeling alone. You CAN’T control others to be there for you all the time to fill your alone time, but you CAN invest that solo time in learning something new.

Notice how reframing "alone" to "solo" instantly gives you a sense of empowerment? 

On the other hand, when you focus on the things you can’t control, that’s where you’ll feel friction. This is when you may feel sad, lonely, or unworthy. Always remember to focus on what is within your control.

Exercise For Shifting Your Mindset

Let’s do a simple exercise to stretch your brain. Shifting your mindset is all about seeing things from different perspectives. It’s time for you to connect with yourself and ask the next 3 questions:

  1. If I were my child: “Would I like to see my mom waiting for a life change?” Or “Would I want to see her thriving?”
  2. If I were my best friend: “What advice would I give her going though the pre-empty nester phase?
  3. Look around your communities: Where could I use this solo time to help others? 
Seeing things from different perspectives help you find the light to overcome obstacles in your life.


In conclusion, the key to becoming an empowered empty nester is shifting your mindset  with self-awareness and acceptance. By focusing on what you can control, you'll be able to reframe your narrative. That's how you can unlock your potential and become a thriving mom! Embrace the pre-empty nester phase with compassion, courage, and positivity, as your best years are ahead of you! I believe in your ability to create the life you REALLY want!

Love & Care 💕

Embrace the Power of Gratitude: A Guide to Gratitude Journaling for Mid-Life Moms

Embrace the Power of Gratitude: A Guide to Gratitude Journaling for Mid-Life Moms
In the hustle and bustle of mid-life, balancing family and work can often leave you feeling stuck in the daily grind. Amid this chaos, finding moments of peace and joy might seem impossible. However, a gratitude journal can serve as a transformative tool to reconnect with yourself and uncover positivity and fulfillment in everyday life.

A gratitude journal is simply a record where you jot down things you're thankful for, fostering reflection and appreciation. Whether you choose a high-end journal or a simple notebook, the goal remains the same: to focus on the positives in ordinary moments. This practice offers numerous benefits, from increased creativity and reduced stress to a greater sense of purpose and improved physical health.

The best time for journaling depends on your routine—consider evening sessions to end your day on a positive note, morning entries to start your day right, or jotting down thoughts throughout the day whenever gratitude strikes. Prompts can help get you started by focusing on connections with yourself, nature, and others. Over time, this habit can shift your mindset from negative to positive, bringing more happiness into your life. So grab that notebook, make a cup of tea, and start your journey to a more grateful and joyful self today.

How to Avoid the ‘I Need to Change’ Trap: Navigating Midlife Transition for Moms with Grace

Are you at a crossroads, feeling the need to change but unsure what that truly means? You don't need to become someone new to adapt to life's evolving phases. Instead, consider rediscovering what you do and how you think without overhauling your essence.

First, acknowledge your journey and celebrate who you are. Your lived experiences and core values make you unique, so why change that? Instead of reinventing yourself, focus on small adjustments to your activities and habits that will enhance your well-being.

Transforming your mindset can unlock a more fulfilling life. Embrace positive self-talk, adopt a growth mindset, and practice daily gratitude. By setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing self-care, you can redefine success and create a life that feels more authentic and rewarding.