Embrace the Power of Gratitude: A Guide to Gratitude Journaling for Mid-Life Moms

Embrace the Power of Gratitude: A Guide to Gratitude Journaling for Mid-Life Moms
In the hustle and bustle of mid-life, balancing family and work can often leave you feeling stuck in the daily grind. Amid this chaos, finding moments of peace and joy might seem impossible. However, a gratitude journal can serve as a transformative tool to reconnect with yourself and uncover positivity and fulfillment in everyday life.

A gratitude journal is simply a record where you jot down things you're thankful for, fostering reflection and appreciation. Whether you choose a high-end journal or a simple notebook, the goal remains the same: to focus on the positives in ordinary moments. This practice offers numerous benefits, from increased creativity and reduced stress to a greater sense of purpose and improved physical health.

The best time for journaling depends on your routine—consider evening sessions to end your day on a positive note, morning entries to start your day right, or jotting down thoughts throughout the day whenever gratitude strikes. Prompts can help get you started by focusing on connections with yourself, nature, and others. Over time, this habit can shift your mindset from negative to positive, bringing more happiness into your life. So grab that notebook, make a cup of tea, and start your journey to a more grateful and joyful self today.

Peaceful Mind Begins with a Mindful Morning Routine

Peace of mind often escapes our thoughts as mothers until we notice it impacting our mental well-being. The stress of parenting, managing daily tasks, and the constant feeling of being pulled in every direction can leave us feeling anxious, irritable, and impatient.

If this resonates with you, rest assured, you are NOT alone. Many of us juggle endless tasks for the benefit of others, only to end each day feeling utterly drained. Yet, we persist, telling ourselves to push forward. However, this cycle of relentless effort without a moment for ourselves can quickly lead to burnout. Like so many, my desire to be the perfect mom and provide the best for my family led me down an unsustainable path that negatively affected my mental health. I felt stuck and unsure of how to break free.

The wake-up call for many of us came with the pandemic, forcing us to reevaluate our priorities and slow down. During this period, I had an epiphany; aiming to be a peaceful mom was far more valuable than striving for perfection. This realization led me to discover *The 5 AM Club* by Robin Sharma, a book that taught me the importance of taking control of my mornings and, by extension, my peace of mind.

Why Embrace a Morning Routine for Peace of Mind?

Adopting an early morning routine, as suggested in this *The 5 AM Club*, offers countless benefits for mental transformation. The essence of waking early is the precious, undisturbed time it affords you before the demands of family life begin. This is not about waking up early to meet the needs of others, but to focus on nurturing your mind, soul, and body.

Steps Towards Crafting a Peaceful Mind

Embarking on my 5 AM journey began with small, manageable changes. The first step was eliminating my afternoon coffee, which, though a tough habit to break, led to noticeable improvements in my well-being. Encouraged by this success, I gradually adjusted my wake-up time from 7 AM to eventually 5 AM, despite the initial challenge and sleep-deprived days this change presented.

Creating Your Personal Morning Routine

While reading *The 5 AM Club* is something I highly recommend, I understand the constraints of a busy schedule. To help, watch this video summary of the book's key ideas. Before you dive into the video, make sure to have a pen and paper ready to jot down insights that could guide your journey towards a peaceful mind.

The book suggests dividing your first hour into three 20-minute blocks for exercise, reflection, and personal growth. This structure is a great starting point, though I encourage you to tailor it to suit your needs. For instance, my routine shifts between seasons, currently comprising a 15-minute walk, 25 minutes of yoga and meditation, and 20 minutes of learning. The key is to focus on what you are capable of doing each day, considering factors like the weather, your living environment, and any physical limitations.

The Result: Transformation for a Peaceful Mind

On July 11th, 2020, I began a journey that transformed my life—waking up at 5 am. Initially, it was a challenge, but with time, the early mornings became a cherished part of my routine. Roughly a month into this new habit, I noticed profound changes in my mentality, akin to becoming an entirely new person.

Recently, I stumbled upon an article that echoed the transformation I've been experiencing. This article resonated deeply with me, as it outlined various internal shifts similar to my own:

1. Taking responsibility for my actions – Previously, I had a tendency to blame others.
2. Adopting a growth mindset – I moved away from a victim mindset, embracing positivity instead.
3. Setting healthy boundaries – I learned to distance myself from toxic environments and individuals.
4. Gaining control over myself – In the past, I wrongly sought control over others, which was detrimental.
5. Finding calm and peace within – Anxiety, irritation, and impatience used to be my constant companions.
6. Cultivating awareness of myself and others – I had been too preoccupied to notice the world around me.
7. Focusing on being a peaceful mom – I let go of the unattainable goal of being the perfect mom.

Embarking on this journey has fortified my mental strength, granting me a serene and relaxed disposition. When you're relaxed and self-aware, you hold the reins of your life. Discovering and maintaining a peaceful mind has been the cornerstone of my transformation.

Love & Care💕